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I'll play it by ear. 我将随兴而定。

“Play(it)by ear”原是音乐用语,指某人不用乐谱,仅凭听过的记忆就可弹奏乐曲。由此意引申,“play(it)by ear”强调事件的“即兴”成分,没有计划、依据当时情况而行事,很有“走着瞧,走一步说一步”的味道。
be all ears: to be listending eagerly to someone 洗耳恭听

be up to your ears in sth.: to be very busy with sth. 在......忙的不可开交
eg: I'm up to my ears in work. 我工作忙的不可开交.

go in one ear and out the other:(of information) to be listened to but not understood or remembered (消息)左耳进右耳出,当耳边风

have an ear for: to have good recognition of sounds in music or languages (对音乐或语言)有灵敏的听力
eg:I've got no ear for music 我没有欣赏音乐的能力.

We have a lot in common. 我们有很多相同之处。

假如两个人在性格或兴趣爱好上面有许多相似之处,可以说这一句。in common 共同的,相同的

I'm behind in my work. 我工作进度落后了。

The boss: Haven't you finished the work?
The worker; I'm sorry,I'm behind in my work. I'll finish it tomorrow.

I kill time. 我消磨时间。

We killed time by reading books.
I usually kill my free time by enjoying the movie.
Kill time(消磨时间),Save time(节省时间提高效率)

It was at the eleventh hour that he got wind of what had happened.

在语法方面,It is/是强调句型,根据具体情况,强调句型也有It is/的形式。强调句型的特征是,去掉It is/之后句子还是完整的。
简单点来说,这个句子是在原型"He got wind of what had happened at the eleventh hour"的基础上,加上强调句型强调时间。
what had happened是宾语,at the eleventh hour是时间状语

在意思方面,at the eleventh hour就是最后一刻啦,回想一下时钟只有12个数字哦,在时钟指向11时才想起来已经很晚啦,所以是“最后一刻”的意思。
get wind of sth,直接一点翻译就是“听到风声”,这里的意思就引申成“弄明白”。
