小强英语 第36期:学渣的生活

英语社 人气:1.2W


1.传纸条---Pass notes in class.

2.开溜---Sneak off.

3.逃学旷课---Play truant.


No.1 Pass notes in class. 传纸条。很多朋友可能都做过,不管你是学渣还是学霸。事实上,Passing notes in class is an age-old tradition. 课堂上传纸条是一项古老的传统。What students are really concerned about is how to not get caught passing notes in class. 学生们很关心怎样传纸条才不会被抓。没说错吧。

No.2 Sneak off. It means to leave furtively and stealthily. 偷偷地走,开溜,比如说下面这个句子:The lecture was boring and many students sneaked off when the instructor turned towards the blackboard.这课很无聊,当老师转向黑板的时候,很多学生开溜了。童鞋,你肿么可以介样?

No. 3 Play truant. 逃学,旷课。比如说:Students play truant because the teaching is truly dissatisfactory.学生们旷课,因为课上得实在是太让人感到不满意了。

小强英语 第36期:学渣的生活

好了,本期我们学习了三个跟学渣有关的表达。Pass notes in class,传纸条;sneak off,开溜;play truant逃学。当然,并不是说每位学渣都会做这些事情,也不是说做这些事情的都是学渣,只不过学渣们做这些事情的频率总体会高一点儿。这里是小强英语,我们下期再会。

