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上课的时候真的有过很多学生问我:老师 我口语考试的时候不说话行吗??


即使作为一名雅思口语老师 我也可以跟你说考试的时候你是可以完全不张嘴说话的毕竟官方也没强制要求每个学生都得张嘴说话,只要你不伤害到考官 你全程干看着ta也可以。不过,站在一个学生的角度来说 我还是希望大家肯定要说话的 并且还需要多说。 毕竟雅思考试是一项费时,费力主要是还费钱的东西。 想想看 要是就是因为口语这门没过卡住,下次还是得重新交钱,2000块留着买鞋子不好 还是买包包不好?实在不行留着喝奶茶也阔以啊!你说是不是?

所以我在这必须提醒学生,话可以不说 但钱还是得照教。

说回雅思口语来说好了,不管你是在生活中还是考试中,大家肯定都会遇到一些关于你喜不喜欢的问题 Do you like...? 很多学生第一反应都是:Yes. 甚至于还会出现 yes,I like. 这类的病句。 在生活中 你这样说话当然没问题出去和老外交流也ok,不过考试语法部分那就得扣你分。所以口语不仅要说 还要会说。平时自己练当然没问题 就怕你们不练 不过自己练习可能会找不少弯路 最后成效不大 浪费那么多时间 结果还是去报班 毕竟对大部分中国学生来说口语本来就不是强项 所以那还不如直接来我们北京环球教育 让你从最简单的I like 也能说成 have a weakness for...

我不敢说 学好口语会给你们带来多么巨大眼前利益 但是对你们本身来说 会说话就是一种优势。就拿我当年在英国读书来说 你口语好 做presentation的时候 你就会更加自信; 你在完成group essay的时候 就能和本土学生交流的更多 掌握的更好。 那不说学学业上的,你口语学好了 出国饭店点菜 旅游砍价都是轻松方便的。 你们同行的小伙可能只能感叹:666666 都是中国人,人家口语好也不是平时练出来的或者报班考出来的啊

所以归根到底 考试你当然可以不说 但是钱不会放过你;平时不说也成 但是生活不会放过你。


Do you often read newspapers? What’s is your reading everyday?( how frequent do you read? what do you like to read the best?

I read newspapers everyday, such as Workers Daily, Henan Daily. I enjoy reading.

It is so interesting to see how other people live and it is really an amazing way to learn about different cultures. In addition, reading can do good to us very much. It can elicit the imagination of us . I also like to read the China Today and China Daily. Both of these magazines are in English , and it is a good way for me to improve my English.

1) Do you like to discuss with others when you read books?

Yes, I do . Because it is easy to understand the difficulty of books.

2) How long do you read?

Usually, I read books or newspapers for 1 hour before I go to bed.

3) where do you like to read?

In the library, because there are all kinds of books which I can read.


You should say:

- where and when this event took place

- what you did (or, what happened at this event)

- who was there at this event

and explain why this event was enjoyable.

Part 3


Do you think families are (or, the family is) important?

Do you think growing up in a family today is the same as it was several decades ago?

Have there been any changes in the attitudes of parents towards their children over the past 20 or 30 years?

Do you think the way parents today treat their children is the same as in the past?

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages for a child to grow up in a big family?

In a family, who do you think plays the more important role, the mother or the father (the wife or the husband)?

Do you think it’s possible that, in the future females will be making the major decisions in the home?

Do you think there are any advantages to having a grandparent living with the family?

In general, do you think having old people and young people living together creates conflict (or, problems)?

Family Celebrations

What family celebrations do you have in your country?

What happens at these celebrations?

Some people hold family gatherings once a year where many extended family members get together. Do you think that’s a good idea?

One of the happiest events in my life was when my family and I went to the Aquarium in Dalian. It is the biggest and most spectacular aquarium in Asia.

I was nine at the time and had had a very bad summer holiday that year, since I had to stay home for most of the break because I broke my leg. My Mom and Dad did not tell me about the trip until week before we left. When they first told me I did not believe them, but they finally convinced me that we were really going. The day before we left I could hardly sleep because I was so excited. We had done a lot of packing and preparing, but I still did not feel sleepy. Eventually when I did drift off, I had a dream about riding a dolphin. It took us about ten hours by train to get to Dalian. When we got there we got settled in our hotel and then had dinner.

The next day we got up very early and headed for the Aquarium. We saw so many different kinds of beautiful fish, exciting shows, and listened to interesting stories from the tour guides. My favorite was the dolphin show. The entertainers rode on the dolphin’s backs, and one entertainer even got flipped high into the air from a dolphin’s nose. I love my parents so much for giving me such a special opportunity and memories that I will cherish all of my life.


遇到这类话题时 You should say:

- what sort of bad weather it was

- when it happened

- where you were when it happened

and explain how it affected you.

Part 3

Bad Weather相关问题

Besides the example you just gave (in Part 2), what are some other examples of bad weather (in your country)?

Do different parts of your country experience different types of bad weather?

Why do you think people call it "bad weather"?

Is there anything we can do to prepare for bad weather?

Do you think bad weather can ever be dangerous?

What do people in your country do when the weather is bad?

The Weather and Climate……

Natural Disasters……


Well, one particularly unpleasant experience that sticks in my memory was the time I went to Huangshan with my mum and brother, which must have been about 2 or 3 years ago, when my mum came over to visit me in Hangzhou. We had decided to go travelling to Huangshan as none of us had been there before, and we’d heard a lot of great things about it.

And basically what happened was that we got caught in a big storm, which seemed to spring up out of nowhere, because one minute it was pretty sunny, and the next it was, quite literally, pouring down with rain, and I mean, REALLY chucking it down!

What didn’t help us was the fact that, at the time the storm hit, we were right on top of a mountain, and because we hadn’t checked the weather forecast, we didn’t have any umbrellas with us, so we got absolutely soaked!

And the worst thing was, when we reached the cable car to get down the mountain, we were told that it had closed early for safety reasons, coz there were some flashes of lightening, and this apparently made the cable car unsafe to go in.

So we ended up having no choice but to walk down the mountain instead, and because it was still raining when we got to the bottom, we couldn’t find a single free taxi. So there we were, completely drenched and utterly exhausted, stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Thankfully, though, after what seemed like an eternity, a minivan finally pulled up and gave us a lift back to where we were staying, which was a huge relief. I honestly don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t come, because it was getting pretty dark and most people had already left the mountains, so thank goodness it came!

And looking back on it now, I would say I actually gained quite a lot from this experience, as it’s really kind of taught me to appreciate the times when I do have easy access to transportation, which is most of the time.

So yeah, that’s pretty much it, and I hope the story wasn’t too boring!