
英语社 人气:1.12W

求职最关键的一关是面试,面试往往由部门经理或董事长 主持,压力是很大的。面试时应注意下列问题:着装。弄清你想就 职单位、部门多数人的着装状况,与多数人保持一致的着装,无 疑是安全的,也许还会对考官产生好印象。


To many job seekers, "stress" is synonymous with "job interview."

Job seekers stress over landing an interview. Then they stress over preparing for it. And then they stress over what to wear, what to say, if the interviewer will like them and more.



But the worst stress of all often occurs during the interview. This is the stress that can cause you to blow it. It can make you freeze, panic, chatter aimlessly, lose your train of thought or perspire profusely.


So how can job seekers keep cool when it counts? Relax. A few simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves and sooth interview jitters.


Early Warning 提前到场

Timing is everything: Don't cause yourself undue stress before a big interview.


Arrive about 10 minutes before the interview is scheduled to begin.


If you arrive too early, you'll sit and wait and worry. And if you arrive too late, you may find yourself racing in the door, your heart already pounding from a last-minute dash.


A ten-minute, pre-interview break will give you an opportunity to catch your breath and acclimate to your surroundings. It's enough time, but not too much time.
