
英语社 人气:3.09W



毕竟是知名公司,规章制度很严格,对员工的要求也很高。Catherine虽然很用功,但还是难免有不尽人意而受屈挨骂之时,这天,她因为工作上的小差错遭到一个同事的当场奚落,心里非常难过,甚至萌发了辞职的念头。好朋友Jane劝她说:You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.凯瑟琳听后心想:”在打孔机上滚动?与打孔机打交道?莫非这是一门业内技术?“她把想法说出来后,弄得Jane哭笑不得。

Catherine: I have to roll with the punches? But I haven't seen any punches in our company, what can I do?

Tom: It's a metaphor, my dear! "Roll with the punches" means "to be able to deal with a series of difficult situations".
珍妮:亲爱的,这是个比喻好不好!roll with the punches这个俚语说的是能处理一系列困难局面。

Catherine: Got it! I have to adjust myself to the situation and manage to cope with it. Thank you for advice.


凯瑟琳升职记:入职篇之你得逆来顺受 第2张

You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.如果你想在这一行生存下去的话,你得逆来顺受。

punch这个词除了有”打孔机“的意思,还有”打击“之意;roll意思是”滚动,来回转悠“,roll with the punches从字面看,是说当遭受打击时,你得翻着身子来迎接。不难看出,这是没办法的办法,既然避免不了,那挨打也得会挨呀,尽量让疼痛减轻呗!所以,roll with the punches这个俚语的比喻义就是”逆来顺受,适应形势以使自己获得生存“。以后如果有朋友遇到类似难以避免的困境,你就可以安慰他说:You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.如果你想在这一行生存下去的话,你得逆来顺受。


凯瑟琳升职记:入职篇之你得逆来顺受 第3张

Carl:Amanda, I could hardly bear the prejudice of my boss on me.

Amanda:I understand. But you have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.