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Indian naval head warns of Chinese military challenge


India's naval chief has said that his country cannot hope to rival (竞争对手)China when it comes to military strength, while warning that China will become a "primary challenge(主要对手)" for India in the future.

Admiral (上将)Sureesh Mehta, who is also chairman of India's Chiefs of Staff Committee, said at a 10 August function organised by the National Maritime Foundation in New Delhi(新德里国家海事基金会): "In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China, force for force."

Adm Mehta's comments came shortly after the 13th round of negotiations aimed at settling the disputed India-China border (中印边境争端)concluded in New Delhi on 8 August, with little progress having been made. The navy chief said there was a serious "trust deficit" between Beijing and New Delhi on the issue.

"Coping with China will be one of our primary challenges in the years ahead," Adm Mehta declared, cautioning that Beijing's territorial claims would become more assertive as its military capabilities continue to develop.

He added that while India could not catch up with China militarily, it should aim to level the playing field as much as possible.


Speaking from politics,economics and culture,China and India are undoubtedly the best spokesmen for BRIC(金砖四国,指巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国四国)。由于双方至今依然互相竞争拉拢外资,“龙象之争”momently became an adjective。两国在许多商品领域有着很大的市场开发和销售潜能,贸易互补性较强。与其说中印“龙象之争”,还不如期待“龙象合璧”放大亚洲经济效益。

今年6月,金砖四国领导人在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行了首次正式峰会。This meeting is the result of the long request from the BRIC,此次会晤主要是金砖四国重申长久以来的要求,即让巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国代表全球新兴市场能够在国际货币基金组织及世界银行中获得更大的话语权。

作为国际新兴市场是代表着发展中国家的利益,the leaders of the BRIC want to speak and represent more. 明显的是美元波动性和贬值是此次会议的主题。四个国家希望借此团结起来,建立一个以经济和金融一体化的新兴市场体。


Nowadays, the per capital purchasing power of China is twice as much as that of India.。尽管近年来印度经济增长强劲,但中国国内生产总值增长要略快而人口增长要慢,这意味着两国收入差距将会扩大而不是缩小。

It's commonly regarded that India is stronger than China in English, law ang system. 这些因素将很快使印度赶上甚至超过中国。但在我看来,印度很难缩小与中国的收入差距,更不用说赶上了。

从中印两国现今已具备的综合国力来说,双方的市场规模、人力资本和影响力将可以带动亚洲经济增长。So we'd better expect a "龙象合璧" rather than a "龙象之争"。同时,我们也可以通过“龙象合璧”来放大亚洲经济效益。

Anyway, 在现时动荡的年代,中印应该团结一致,迈向亚洲经济政治一体化,再次共创亚洲经济起飞的奇迹。