7大对策助你起床 没有咖啡也可以(下)

英语社 人气:3.33K

In another tip, they suggest drinking water first thing in the morning and throughout the day to stay hydrated.

7大对策助你起床 没有咖啡也可以(下)


While sleeping, you will sweat, breathe, and get up to use the bathroom, and these things all work to dehydrate the body.


Even mild dehydration can take a toll, decreasing alertness and mental concentration, and contributing to fatigue.


It may come as no surprise, but they also stress the importance of eating a healthy breakfast.


People who eat a meal first thing in the morning have reported feeling more alert.


For foods high in simple sugars, like donuts, the alertness will wear off quickly, and those high in fat will cause you to eat more throughout the day.


But meals high in fiber and carbohydrates like oats are linked to lasting alertness throughout the morning, the video explains.


These will suppress hunger and increase cognitive function.


Drinking orange juice will also give you a boost in the morning, they say, as citrus fruits are rich in flavonoids.


Researchers have linked flavonoids to slowing cognitive decline from aging and even decreased onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.


Orange juice is said to increase alertness and cognitive function.


Physical activity first thing in the morning can also help to increase your mental performance and make you more alert, as it increases bloodflow and provides more oxygen to the brain.


During exercise, the video explains, the hippocampus is highly active, and this region of the brain is responsible for learning and memory.


Finally, the team suggests listening to music when you first get up.


Music can cause the pupils to dilate and increase blood pressure, inducing a "state of arousal".


Listening to music also increases activity in the areas of the brain linked to movement and emotion, and can help to release dopamine throughout the body to activate positive feelings.
