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Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is the princess consort of King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the first wife of a Moroccan ruler to have been publicly acknowledged and given a royal title.
摩洛哥王妃Lalla Salma是摩洛哥历史上第一个改变了皇室一夫多妻制的平民王妃,也被正式册封为拉拉·萨尔玛公主。

灰姑娘的故事:四位现实版灰姑娘的爱情 第2张

Born in Gorky, USSR, Natalia Vodianova grew up in a poor district of the city with her mother and two half sisters, one of whom has cerebral palsy. As a teenager, Vodianova helped her mother sell fruit on the street and later set up her own fruit stand with a friend to help her family out of poverty.
俄罗斯模特Natalia Vodianova自幼家境贫寒,但是天生丽质,成为当红模特,2001年嫁给英国皇室后裔Justin Trevor Berkeley Portman,正式被封为The Honourable Mrs Justin Portman.

灰姑娘的故事:四位现实版灰姑娘的爱情 第3张

Wendi Deng Murdoch is a Chinese-born American businesswoman and wife of News Corporation Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch.

灰姑娘的故事:四位现实版灰姑娘的爱情 第4张

Letizia, Princess of Asturias, is the wife of Felipe, Prince of Asturias, who is heir apparent to the Spanish throne. Before her marriage to the prince, she was a journalist.