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TORONTO — The world’s leading anti-doping officials on Monday called for Russia to be barred from this summer’s Rio Games after a damning report confirmed a Russian whistle-blower’s claims of government-ordered cheating at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.


The request by anti-doping officials was extraordinary, if not unprecedented, in the history of the Olympics. President Vladimir Putin of Russia responded defiantly as the possibility emerged that the Russian flag would be nowhere in sight when the opening ceremony begins on Aug. 5 in Rio de Janeiro.

在奥运会历史上,反兴奋剂官员做出的这一请求即便不是前所未有,也非同寻常。对于8月5日在里约热内卢开始的开幕式上可能看不到俄罗斯国旗这一点,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)做出了强硬的回应。

While saying that the officials named in the report would be “temporarily suspended,” he asked for “fuller, more objective information that is based on facts.”


“Today we see a dangerous relapse of politics intruding into sports,” Putin said in a statement.


Grigory Rodchenkov, Russia’s former anti-doping lab director, told The New York Times in May that he covered up the use of performance-enhancing drugs by Russian Olympians at the 2014 Sochi Games, and that he did so under orders from Russian officials for the ministry of sport.

俄罗斯前反兴奋剂实验室主任格里戈里·罗琴科夫(Grigory Rodchenkov)曾在5月对《纽约时报》表示,他掩盖了2014年索契冬奥会上俄罗斯运动员使用药物提高比赛成绩一事,并称他是按照俄罗斯体育部官员的命令这么做的。

In a report, Richard McLaren, a Canadian lawyer retained by the World Anti-Doping Agency to investigate Rodchenkov’s allegations, presented proof Monday that a state-run doping program was executed during the Sochi Olympics, as well as before and after the games.

受世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency)委托,加拿大律师理查德·麦克拉伦(Richard McLaren)对罗琴科夫的指控进行调查,周一当天在一份报告中给出了证据,证明在索契奥运会期间,以及那届奥运会之前和之后,俄罗斯实行了一个由政府开展的兴奋剂计划。

The International Olympic Committee, which has the sole authority to ban an entire national delegation, called the actions outlined in the report a “shocking and unprecedented attack on the integrity of sport,” pledging to pursue “the toughest possible sanctions available against any individual or organization implicated.”

唯一有权禁止整个国家代表团参赛的国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)称,报告中列出的行为“是对体育诚信的一次骇人的、空前的打击”,并承诺“尽可能对涉及的任何个人或组织采取最严厉的制裁”。

Top Olympic executives were next due to meet in Rio, two days before the Olympics begin on Aug. 5, but the IOC said Monday it had scheduled a meeting for Tuesday to discuss “provisional measures and sanctions.” They are now under intense pressure from anti-doping officials and athletes to bring stiff sanctions against Russia.


Rodchenkov said he created a mixture of steroids and liquor — known as “the Duchess” cocktail among Russian sports officials, according to the report — that was provided to athletes.


The anti-doping agency said that the evidence showed that the subversion of doping controls had occurred in 30 sports, including 20 Olympic summer sports and Paralympic sports.
