《美国谍梦》 间谍的另一面

英语社 人气:1.49W

In 1990, US writer Joe Weisberg was asked to join the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). At that time, Weisberg intended only to be a spy. But after two decades out of the CIA, he reentered his former world with FX’s The Americans as a producer.

1990年,美国作家乔•韦斯伯格受邀加入CIA(美国中情局)。 那时,韦斯伯格只想做一名间谍。但是在离开中情局二十年后,他又重返“间谍”的世界,成为FX电视台《美国谍梦》的制片人。

《美国谍梦》 间谍的另一面

The espionage series is set in the 1980s when the US and the former Soviet Union were embroiled in the Cold War. It revolves around two Soviet security agency spies, Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip Jennings (Matthew Rhys), who pretend to be a US couple with their unwitting children in the northern Virginia suburbs while secretly helping the Soviets infiltrate the US. Their neighbor, Stan Beeman (Naoh Emmerich), happens to be an FBI counterintelligence agent who is trying to unmask foreign spies.

这部谍战剧以二十世纪80年代美苏冷战为背景,剧情围绕两名潜伏在美国的前苏联间谍伊丽莎白(凯丽•拉塞尔 饰)和菲利普•詹宁斯(马修•瑞斯 饰)展开。他们乔装成一对美国夫妇,与毫不知情的孩子们住在弗吉尼亚北部郊区,秘密协助前苏联势力渗透美国。他们的邻居斯坦•毕曼(诺亚•艾默里奇 饰)正是FBI(联邦调查局)反情报秘密行动探员,专门负责揭露外国间谍。

Weisberg’s four years’ experience serving for the CIA, what he learned in his training, and what he heard from other spies helped him make this story more convincing. In every episode, your heart will be in your throat as the couple courts danger in order to complete their mission.


Espionage isn’t a new television genre. What makes The Americans stands out is that the creator brought a focus on family and relationships. Having pretended to be a married couple for a long time, Elizabeth and Jennings struggle with conflicting feelings for each other.


“The Americans is at its core a marriage story. International relations is just an allegory for human relations. Sometimes, when you’re struggling in your marriage or with your kid, it feels like life or death. For Philip and Elizabeth, it often is,” Weisberg told Slate online magazine.

“《美国碟梦》本质上是一个讲婚姻的剧。国际关系不过是对人与人间关系的隐喻。有时,婚姻中的挣扎,或与孩子的相处,都会让你感觉如同遇上了性命攸关的事。对于菲利普和伊丽莎白来说,亦是如此。” 韦斯伯格在接受美国知名网络杂志Slate采访时如是说。

Before The Americans, most spies and agents on screen were cold, as they invested more energy and time into their job with little attention being paid to their family. For example, because of his vocation, 24’s Jack Bauer lost his wife and had a tumultuous relationship with his daughter.


On Jan 28, the third season of The Americans opened with frictions escalating between the couple as pressures from their job increased and they faced the toughest decision ever: whether to reveal their true nature to their kids and whether to let their 14-year-old daughter Paige become a spy. I believe the Paige dilemma is sure to push the series to a new climax.
