
英语社 人气:1.07W

A man armed with a rifle opened fire on a group of Republican congressmen practising for an annual charity baseball game on Wednesday, wounding Steve Scalise, the House majority whip, and four others.

一名手持步枪的男子周三对着一群正举行年度慈善棒球赛的共和党议员开枪,击伤了众议院多数党党鞭史蒂夫?斯卡利塞(Steve Scalise)和其他四人。

At 7.09am, police in Alexandria, Virginia, received a 911 emergency call reporting a shooting at a local baseball field. Units were on the scene within three minutes, according to Chief Mike Brown.

早上7时09分,美国弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚市(Alexandria)警方接到了911报警电话,获知当地一家棒球场发生枪击事件。警察局长迈克?布朗(Mike Brown)表示,几组警察在3分钟内赶到了事发现场。

President Donald Trump announced in a televised address that the gunman had died of wounds sustained when Capitol Police officers assigned to protect Mr Scalise returned fire. Both officers were wounded.

美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)发表电视讲话称,肩负保护斯卡利塞责任的国会警员们开火还击,枪手因伤重死亡。


“They attacked the shooter and that saved our lives,” Rep Joe Barton, still wearing his red baseball uniform, told reporters a few hours later. Senator Rand Paul told CNN it would have been “a massacre” had it not been for the presence of the security detail.

“他们朝枪手射击,救了我们,”仍身着红色棒球服的议员乔?巴顿(Joe Barton)在几小时后告诉记者。参议员兰德?保罗(Rand Paul)告诉美国有线新闻网(CNN),要不是有警卫员在场,这件事将酿成“一场屠杀”。

Mr Scalise underwent surgery at Medstar Washington Hospital Center, which said on Wednesday afternoon he “was critically injured and remains in critical condition”.

斯卡利塞在医疗之星华盛顿医院中心(MedStar Washington Hospital Center)接受了手术。该中心周三下午表示,“他的伤势很重,仍处于危急状态”。

Several US media outlets, all quoting law enforcement sources, identified the shooter as James Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois, who owned a home inspection business.

多家美国媒体援引执法机构消息人士的话称,枪手名叫詹姆斯?霍奇金森(James Hodgkinson),现年66岁,来自伊利诺伊州的贝尔维尔(Belleville)。此人拥有一家验房企业。