双语畅销书《我是马拉拉》第21章:主啊 我将她托付给你(9)

英语社 人气:2.55W

'I'm confused,' he told Colonel Junaid. 'Why are we here?

双语畅销书《我是马拉拉》第21章:主啊 我将她托付给你(9)

I thought we'd go to the civil hospital.'


Then he asked, 'Please, can you bring in Dr Mumtaz?'


'How would that look?' replied Colonel Junaid who was, not surprisingly, offended.


Afterwards, we found out that despite his youthful appearance he had been a neurosurgeon for thirteen years and was the most experienced and decorated neurosurgeon in the Pakistani army.


He had joined the military as a doctor because of their superior facilities, following in the footsteps of his uncle, who was also an army neurosurgeon.


The Peshawar CMH was on the front line of the war on the Taliban and Junaid dealt with gunshot wounds and blasts every day.


'I've treated thousands of Malalas,' he later said.


But my father didn't know that at the time and became very depressed.


'Do whatever you think,' he said. 'You're the doctor.'


The next few hours were a wait-and-see time, the nurses monitoring my heartbeat and vital signs.


Occasionally I made a low grunt and moved my hand or fluttered my eyes.


Then Maryam would say, 'Malala, Malala.'


Once my eyes completely opened.


'I never noticed before how beautiful her eyes are,' said Maryam.


I was restless and kept trying to get the monitor off my finger.


'Don't do that,' Maryam said.
