
英语社 人气:2.83W




Son of Zeus and Hera,Ares was appointed god of s terrible and majestic ,and hismarch shook the all the major gods at Olympus,he was the most hateful,lovingstruggle and war and ever thirsty for blood the other hand he signified courage andvictory in battle,and was devoutly worshipped by soldiers going to ers wereaddressed to him before the war and spoils presented at his altar after it.

He was the one god who ever had to submit to the power ofhis inferiors one time lack oftact and good udge ment led to his was fighting with two giants,and findinghimself no match for the two monstrous creatures,laid down hisarms and was imprisoned inchains. He was set free in the end by the artful Hermes,but not before he had suffered all thehumiliations .

He was as thoughtless as he was unkind .A son of Poseidon's,attempting to kidnap hisdaughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth Without he taliation ,Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for court washeld on a hill outside presented his case and was declared innocent . The hill wasever after called Areopagus,“the hill of Ares”,and the judges receivedthe names ofAreopagitae.





the Olympin Gods

Between Macedon and thessaly of eastern GREece there stood a high cloudy toprushed into the very the top of the mountain, the home of the gods was bathedin brightness. At Olympus Zeus ruled as the father of gods and men. Zeus was not a cruderuler by any the gods listened to his final words,it was Zeus madethem all sit on a committee of twelve members,including six gods and six goddesses. Thefirst in the Olympian crowd sat Zeus himself. He was the overlord of gods and men and theoperator of the thunderbolt to him was Hera,his proud and idon was ruler of the sea,And Hades,king of the lower world,had no seat in lo was the god of the sun,music and poetry,while his twinsister Artemis wasthe goddess of the moon and the chase. Athena was the goddess of wisdom and patronessof house in,the goddess of the family,represented home life and frightening Ares was the god of war,and the charming Aphrodite thegoddess of love and god of fire,Hephaestus,was the forger of the thunderboltsof wing footed messenger Hermes was the god of invention and commerce;andthe goddess of grains and harvests,Demeter,looked after agriculture and stood for motherofcivilization.

All the chief gods mentioned above took human forms of incomparable beauty and n moved by human feelings and desires,they frequently gave way to anger became involved in ceaseless battles with the world of man. Amongthemselves at Olympus they plotted and struggled for the human world theyexperienced competitions and enjoyed earthly friendships wd of everlasting gods looked and acted in a perfectly human fashion that is what allgods at Olympus actually were.






Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was was the sonof Zeus and Let rding to GREek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera from land toland at last Poseidon took Pity on her and brought the island of Delos out of water for her tolive e she gave birth to the twins ,Apollo and Artemis.

Apollo was me wore a purple usually sat in his bright eastern palace earlyin the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the ng the day hedrove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the GREat worldbelow. Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and goton his golden boat to return to his eastern home.

Apollo was the god of music and could stir up all e feelings areexpressed in lofty his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voiceheled the choir of the Muses at pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting thatstones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helpedPoseidonbuild up the walls of one occasion,invited to a contest by the humanmusician Marsyas,he won and then flayed him to death for his anotheroccasion,he lost out toPan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge,KingMidas,into those of an ass.

His son,Orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animalsalike.

Apollo stood for youthful and manly goldenhair,stately manner and air allcombined to make him the admiration of the world.A beautiful girl,by the name ofClytle,was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on theground,her hands outstretched towards the sungod,and her eyes looked at his goldenwheeled carriage racing across the blue gh her love was not returned,she had neverchanged her mind about gods were moved at the sad sight,and changed her intoa sunflower.











