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Has the season of over-indulgence taken its toll on your tummy?

If so, you’re far from alone. But prominent tums actually come in different shapes and sizes - and appear for all sorts of reasons.

Here’s how to work out your tummy type - and how to target it in 2016.



What does it look like?

A pot belly sticks out mainly at the front, while there is less weight gain on your bottom and hips. If you look like you’ve got a cauldron strapped to your front, then you have a pot belly.

What Causes It?

Binge-drinking alcohol - as well as eating too many refined carbohydrates - will create this type of tummy.

How To Target It

Monitor the calories you drink as much as the ones you eat.

What Does It Look Like?

Your tummy is prominent and sticks out, bulging like a spare tyre or muffin top. Your skin often feels hard to touch, as if there’s an inflated balloon deep inside.

What Causes It?

This tummy starts out flat at the start of the day and usually expands as time goes on - particularly after meals. No matter how big it gets, you won’t see any change on the scales.

One of the main causes is a build-up of wind. As food gets broken down while it travels through the intestines, the bacteria that feed on it create up to six to eight litres of gas as a by-product.

However, if the bugs in your gut have difficulty breaking down certain foods, it will also start to ferment, creating more wind, which starts to push the abdominal wall outwards.

Obesity surgeon Professor Basil Ammori, of the Salford Royal Hospital, says constipation and eating too much in one go can also create this effect.
索尔福德皇家医院的减肥医生巴兹尔·安蒙里称,便秘问题以及暴饮暴食都会导致肠胃胀气。How To Target It

Try sticking to a diet that excludes foods that trigger bloating because they can be harder for the body to digest. For many people, this means avoiding foods that belong to the so-called FODMAP group (it stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols) which includes artificial sweeteners, wheat, garlic and onions, as well as some fruit, such as cherries and plums, and some vegetables, including artichokes, beetroot and mushrooms.


What Does It Look Like?

This tummy sticks out at the front but it is softer and more saggy than a pot belly. It often starts under your bust and forms a soft roll - or a muffin top - which hangs over your waistband.

What Causes It?

Dr Marilyn Glenville, author of Fat Around the Middle says: ‘In stressful situations, the fight-or-flight hormone cortisol helps release sugar into the bloodstream so your body has the energy to escape or defend itself.

‘But unless you do something physical, as your body is expecting you to, all that extra energy has nowhere to go. So it is simply re-deposited as fat.

‘If we are continually stressed,’ Dr Glenville adds, ‘the fat reserves go to the lower abdomen so they can be close to the liver and be quickly converted back into energy in another emergency.’

How To Target It

Reduce your stress levels with relaxation techniques such as deep-breathing and meditation and get more sleep so that your body no longer feels it has to prepare for attack.

Eating little and often helps to stop the roll-coaster fluctuations of hormones, including cortisol, says Dr Glenville.


What Does It Look Like?

Even if you have a slim waist, you have a stubborn roll of fat around your bikini line along with a bigger bottom and saddle-bags on your hips, creating a pear-shaped look.

What Causes It?

The reason for this weight gain is that some women suffer oestrogen dominance which can be genetic but may also be triggered by a range of complaints which unbalance the female sex hormones.

Conditions include endometriosis, in which tissue that normally grows inside the uterus grows outside it and pumps out more oestrogen, and fibroids which are benign tumours of muscular tissue which grow inside the womb.

Endometriosis affects up to one in ten women of childbearing age while three out of four women age 30 to 50 will develop fibroids at some stage.

Women may also be exposed to too much oestrogen because they ingest high levels of the synthetic versions of the hormone in some farmed meats, water or residues from chemicals in plastics and water or from taking the contraceptive pill.

Oestrogen is responsible for laying down the feminine curves of a woman when she goes through puberty and creating more rounded buttocks and thighs and other fat stores ready for when she has a baby.

If the fat cells in these areas, which are very sensitive to female sex hormones, continue to be over-stimulated, the weight will continue to pile on, giving a woman a pear-shape.

After menopause, unless a woman is on hormone replacement therapy, she will tend to lose this fat on her hips and thighs leaving her looking more apple, than pear shaped.

How To Target It

Avoid foods high in saturated fats which have been linked to higher levels of oestrogen.

Eating lots of tough-to-digest fibre, like seeds, and green leafy vegetables like spinach, can also help as it binds itself to extra oestrogen in your digestive tract and helps to remove it from the body.
多吃坚果等粗纤维食物。菠菜等绿叶蔬菜也是“脂肪杀手”,能分解过多的雌性激素,通过肠道排出体外。MUMMY TUMMY

What Does It Look Like?

Three months or more after you’ve given birth, your tummy still looks as if you’ve just had your baby and the area lacks tone, creating a saggy look.

What Causes It?

During pregnancy and birth, the abdominal muscles divide in order to allow your uterus and tummy to expand.

After birth, the two sides of your six-pack muscles should naturally knit back together. If this does not happen, however, you are left with an unsightly bulge. This is caused by the fact your abdominal wall is so weak it can no longer hold the contents of your stomach and intestines in as well.

Christien Bird, a women’s health physiotherapist at the White Hart Clinic, in Barnes, South West London, says half of mothers have this condition, known as Diastasis Recti, straight after birth and while it mostly corrects itself around 30 percent still have it after five to seven weeks, while others have it permanently unless they seek treatment.

‘The main separation is in the linea alba – the connective tissue – that lies down the middle of your body, between your six-pack muscles. If it does not go back the whole abdominal wall can look saggy.’

How To Target It

If you can feel a gap below your breastplate, into which you can fit the width of three fingers, when you perform a sit-up, see a physiotherapist who can teach you exercises to help knit the muscles back in place.

Pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles from within may also help as well as yoga poses such as ‘the plank’. This involves lying face down, raising your body on your elbows and toes and holding your body in a straight line from your head to your feet for a few minutes at a time and breathing steadily before releasing.
另外,骨盆运动与平板支撑也颇为有效,助你自内而外消灭脂肪。做平板支撑时,面部朝下,以肘部与足部撑起全身,尽量保持一条直线。发力时,匀速呼吸,并坚持若干分钟。THYROID TUMMY

What Does It Look Like?

It’s not just your tummy that’s fat, although that will be the biggest part of you. Your whole body is big, including your arms and legs, giving you a puffy, marshmallowy look.

What Causes It?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck which makes a hormone called thyroxine, which controls how fast you process the calories in food.

However about one in 13 women have a condition called hypothyroidism which means they make less of this hormone.

Although the causes are not completely understood, it may be caused by the ageing process or because the gland is attacked by the body’s own immune system.

Endocrinologist Professor Ashley Grossman, of London’s St Bartholomew’s Hospital says: ‘The thyroid is responsible for your overall metabolism. If you have hypothyroidism, you’re not burning up all the calories consumed, so the extra is stored and gets deposited all over the body as fat.’

How To Target It

For many women, the first step is proper diagnosis, because hypothyroidism is often confused with general mid-life weight gain.

Treatment may include drugs containing a synthetic version of the hormones to top up levels.

Natural approaches include eating foods rich in iodine - which help support the thyroid - like shellfish, seafood and dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach.


cauldron: 大锅
pot belly: 啤酒肚
cortisol: 皮质醇
oestrogen: 雌激素
endometriosis: 子宫内膜异位
uterus: 子宫
fibroid: 子宫肌瘤
linea alba: 腹白线
thyroid: 甲状腺
thyroxine: 甲状腺素
hypothyroidism: 甲状腺功能减退
iodine: 碘