
英语社 人气:2.95W


1. They mate for life: Puffins have lifespans averaging 20 years, and unless a partner should die, they return to the same mate year after year.


看多了人类的爱情,就被鸟类的爱情感动了 第2张

2. They tag-team raising their baby: Both parents incubate the single egg laid each year and take turns fishing to feed their baby.


看多了人类的爱情,就被鸟类的爱情感动了 第3张

3. They can find their mate after months apart at sea: Puffins spend late August to early spring out at sea, but return to the same breeding grounds, and the same mate, every year.


看多了人类的爱情,就被鸟类的爱情感动了 第4张

4. They have what is possibly the most adorable mating display among birds: they "kiss" upon finding each other again


看多了人类的爱情,就被鸟类的爱情感动了 第5张

5. They are noted for their tenderness and devotion to their mate: Wildlife photographer Craig Jones has spent years photographing the playful birds, and says their warmth and dedication is remarkable.

它们温柔地,倾其所有的爱对方:野生动物摄影师Craig Jones常年拍摄善知鸟的活动,他认为善知鸟对爱人的热情和奉献精神是那么与众不同。
