第55课 生产时,助产士和医生会跟我们说些什么?

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第55课 生产时,助产士和医生会跟我们说些什么?
Baby shower 在孩子出生前举办的迎婴派对
C -section 剖腹产
Natural birth 自然生产,顺产
1.I’m having contractions every five minutes, each contraction lasts about one minute, and these minute-long contractions have been going on for one hour.
2.I’m bleeding now 我见红了
water just broke 我的羊水已经破了
baby is moving less often. 我的孩子胎动的不如以前强烈了
Just go to the hospital, I'll have the labor room ready for you. 赶紧去医院,产房我会帮你安排好
Do you need a wheelchair? 你需要一个轮椅吗?
Please fill in the form.请填表
Tip: 美国产房和产后孕妇居住的病房条件都是非常好的:一人一屋,一点也不拥挤; 并且每个房间里内部空间都有独立卫浴,特别方便。
Midwife 助产士
I need to take your temperature, blood pressure and pulse. 我需要测你的体温、血压、和脉搏。
On a scale from 0 to 10 how would you rate your pain?从0到10这些疼痛等级中,你会如何评估你的疼痛程度?
Epidural 无痛分娩针
Can I get an epidural? 我可以注射无痛分娩针吗?
Just take a break, and you have a long way to go. 赶紧休息吧,你生产的过程还有很长呢。
We will start to push when you feel the contractions. 当你感到宫缩时,我们就要用劲生孩子了。
Take a deep breath, hold it, and push. 深呼吸,憋住气,使劲。
Take a break, don’t push now. 休息下,现在别使劲了。
Do you want to cut the cord? 你想剪段脐带吗?
Skin-to-skin contact(婴儿与父母的)肌肤接触
Do you want to do breast feeding or formula feeding?你是想母乳喂养还是奶粉喂养啊?
Do you plan to have your baby circumcised?你打算让你的宝宝做割礼(割包皮)手术吗?
Birth certificate 出生证明
Social security number 社会安全号
US passport 美国护照